Chiropractic care is used to keep the spine in alignment and relieve the nervous system from interference. Adjustments help alleviate pain and allows the body to function at its full potential. At Sonoran Chiropractic, we specialize in care for the whole family. We hold certifications in prenatal and pediatric care. Our patients range from just days old to patients in their late 90s!
Acupuncture therapy helps relieve the blockage of energy or Qi in the body. In return, many health ailments are relieved. Acupuncture can be used for pain, addiction, allergies, sickness, headaches, organ function and more.
Shockwave Therapy is a regenerative tool that is used to increase blood supply and oxygen in areas of injury. This is great for hard to treat tissues such as tendons and ligaments. The best part- patients see results in just a few treatments, has no downtime for recovery, and comes with little to no risk! There are no harsh drugs or anesthesia required for treatment.
Cupping is a form of therapy that uses suction to create increased blood flow to an area causing a decrease in inflammation and pain. Cupping is great to use on trigger points and scar tissue as it helps loosen fascia and relax muscle tension.
Foot Levelers® are customized orthotics that are meant to support, give balance, and to create a stabilized foundation for the entire body. Orthotics support all 3 arches in the foot as well as support the pelvis and spine.
Kinesiology tape is used to create support for the muscles and joints without limiting range of motion. This technique is popular among athletes to help facilitate the body's natural healing process.