What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a technique that has been a key role of Chinese medicine for over 3,000 years! Acupuncture uses needles to create a physiological effect on the body by regulating the circulation of energy within in the body.
The body consists of 14 major meridians, or channels, in which Qi circulates. When the energy is flowing consistently, the organs are in harmony, the body is balanced and we are healthy. When there is an aberration of flow, signs and symptoms can arise in the body. The meridians can be stimulated in these times through specific acupoints on the body. There are more than 1,000 acupoints that can be used to activate the natural self-healing abilities of the body! This makes acupuncture an effective treatment option for many health problems. Acupuncture is endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
What can Acupuncture be used for?
Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective treatment for:
· Bone, muscle, or joint problems; including arthritis, back ache, sciatica, injured or strained muscles, tendonitis
· Migraines and headaches
· TMJ pain and disorders
· Respiratory disorders such as asthma and allergies
· Endocrine and hormone imbalances such as hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, infertility, menopause
· Depression
· Childhood illnesses- cough, ear infections, bedwetting
· Vertigo
· Healing from injury
Does Acupuncture hurt?
Typically patients cannot feel when a needle has been inserted, however there are parts of the body that are more sensitive depending on the acupoint location and whether there is an imbalance or blockage of Qi. When patients do feel discomfort, many say it only lasts a few seconds. In fact, many patients use acupuncture for its relaxing effects and stress relieving capabilities. Patients have also reported feeling a tingling or hot sensation where the needles have been inserted.
I have a fear of needles, is there an alternative?
Yes. There are many alternative ways to stimulate an acupoint that are based on the same principal as acupuncture and just as effective. Some of these include the use of acupatches (small beads that are attached to a nude tape), laser stimulation, and electrical stimulation.
Is Acupuncture safe?
Absolutely! All needles are individually wrapped and disposed of after each session. Alcohol wipes are used before and after insertion for further sanitation purposes.
Very fine needles are used and since the treatment doesn’t involve the use of drugs or chemicals, the risk of side effects and dependency are avoided. Acupuncture is a safe, holistic approach to health care. Many people who want an alternative to taking medications try acupuncture with great success.
What is a session like?
During your first visit, you will spend about 20 minutes taking a full medical history as well as a physical exam focusing on your reason for treatment. During this time, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and speak at length about your health concerns. A thorough exam is necessary to identify the key factors that are playing a role in your ailment. Examples of some of these factors include your current medications, diet, exercise, stress levels, patterns in your health, genetic conditions, and your overall lifestyle. Our physicians truly care about your overall health and use this information to give you the best possible treatment.
The next 30 minutes, will be considered treatment time. At Sonoran Chiropractic, we utilize the most accurate meridian scan technology in Acupuncture. We find that with the Acugraph, treatments are more precise, results are achieved more rapidly, and most importantly they last. An Acugraph scan is performed on every visit and the patient will receive a digital copy of the results. After the 3 minute scan, fine needles will be placed in specific acupoints on your body. The number of needles depends on the condition being treated. Remember to wear loose clothing, as there are over 1,000 points on the human body, most being on the arms and legs. Shorts and a loose top is recommended. Often times, essential oils are used as a part of the treatment. Patients find this to be very relaxing and often fall asleep during a session.
For an Acugraph Scan and treatment, call or click here to schedule today!