At Sonoran Chiropractic, we use the most advanced technology in meridian analyzing software. The Acugraph® software allows our practitioners to measure and analyze the energy balance of each of your acupuncture meridians. Armed with his information, your provider can make better-informed decisions about your condition, and provide the best treatment possible.
A scan is performed prior to the acupuncture treatment. For the scan, the doctor will apply the tip of a moist probe to acupuncture points on the hands, wrist, feet, and ankles. The test is completely pain free and generates a report in just a few minutes! The patient will receive a digital copy with each visit that gives an in depth look at the treatment protocol, home care recommendations, and the current state of their meridian system.
Within the P.I.E. (Personal Integrated Energetics) chart, each wedge of the circle represents one meridian pathway. Your P.I.E. score includes a complete analysis of all your meridian pathways and reflects the overall health of your meridian system. A lower score means there are various imbalances that you and the doctor will address together. P.I.E. scores are out of a total of 100. This technology is a great way to track progress and allows you to get the most out of your treatments by focusing on the meridians that have the most imbalance.